Donate Funds


At KCA, we cherish every donation, big or small, and strive to maximize its impact. Our funding is limited, which is why we stretch every dollar as far as we can. As a registered charity with Donee status granted by Inland Revenue, all donations of $5 or more are tax deductible. This means your contribution not only supports our cause but also provides you with the opportunity to receive tax benefits. Your generosity truly makes a difference in the lives of those we serve. Thank you for considering supporting us!


Donate via   
**Note that we do not receive 100% of donations made through Give A Little as they deduct their commission first.  Funds donated through Give A Little are only released to us on the 25th of the following month.

Give A Little provides tax receipts by return e-mail.

Internet Banking & Payroll Giving

To donate directly into our bank account, the details are:

Kiwi Community Assistance Charitable Trust

Payroll giving, where offered by your employer, gives you the opportunity to donate to approved donee organisations direct from your pay and receive immediate tax credits that reduce your PAYE payable. You don't need to wait until the end of the year to claim your tax credit. 
All donations over $5 are tax deductible.

For more information visit the IRD's website